Ad Screenshots

Work on more impactful tasks, spend time with your family & friends, or grab a coffee. Ad Reform will knock out your campaign screenshots and give you back control of your day.

*Join users in over 60 countries*

Grab a coffee, we'll handle your screenshots
Works with
Image icon
Display ads
Video icon
Video & Streaming ads
Mobile icon
HTML5 ads
Newspaper icon
Native ads
"It's night and day how much more work we can do with ad screenshots off our plate."
Tim Lathrop, VP Platform Digital saved 300 hours in 2019 by using Ad Reform

How it works...

Upload ads or use our API

Upload display, video, HTML5 or native ads via HTML tags, URLs, or files in the platform, through DSP integrations, or via API.

ℹ️ Custom data import,
API and DSP integrations are available ( GAM, Xandr, DV360, TTD)

Choose sites and devices

Customize your ad screenshots with full control over URL, device and date. Choose a site list and let Ad Reform choose from those URL's at random.

Run now, schedule in advance or set to recur

Run a screenshot whenever you want. It will run next to the live content from the date and time you choose. Set recurring screenshots to generate multiple tear sheets throughout a campaign while ensuring new creative is loading for dynamic ads.

Generate screenshots in minutes

Watch your screenshots load in real-time or wait to get notified. Receive your screenshots in minutes, not days.

Get screenshots in minutes, not days

Get notified when your screenshots are ready

Grab a coffee or work on something more impactful. Once they're done, you'll get notified over email, or anywhere you want via webhooks. We're purpose-built for remote, async work.

Screenshot email notification

Export screenshots with wrappers

Export screenshots as files or presentations with browser URL bars and customizable timestamp wrappers for Mac or Windows OS. Export files locally or push to your S3 bucket, Slack, Drive, Dropbox, and more.

Screenshot with browser, URL, and timestamp

Use your branded PowerPoint theme

PowerPoint templates save you time by automatically injecting your screenshots into your PowerPoint master theme.

Set up screenshot workflows

If you use one of our ad platform integrations you can set up workflows that will auto-run screenshots on certain campaigns based on name or advertiser. Perfect for when you know certain customers always want screenshots.

Integrate with our API and webhooks

Build ad screenshot automation into your platform via our API or integrate Ad Reform into your process with webhooks. Check out this customer success story.

"We cut the cost of screenshots by 90% using Ad Reform. At the same time the speed of delivery and quality of screenshots improved compared to our previous service provider."
Louis Blaut, VP Ad Operations


Bolt icon

Custom integrations, API, and webhooks

Send screenshot requests directly from your DSP, or from any ad platform. Sit back and watch the screenshots roll in. Build screenshot automation into your platform with our API or send completed screenshots to places like Slack or Google Drive with webhooks.

Tag icon

Site tagging & white lists

Tag sites by industry, page type, or common ad sizes. Search tags when generating screenshots to find the best site for your needs. Paste a site list and let Ad Reform choose from those sites at random.

Window icon

Browser URL, date, and timestamp

Add the browser URL bar and the date and time from the operating system to your screenshots.

Wand icon

Customizable ad slots and frame

Choose which ad slot is used in your screenshots. Don't be limited to a specific slot on the page. For animated ads or video, choose a specific frame of the ad.

Tablet icon

Multiple device support

Screenshot ads on desktop, tablet, and mobile, all in one step. Don't waste time generating screenshots manually for each device, we'll handle that.

Powerpoint icon

Presentation creation

Create Powerpoint and PDF presentations in 2 clicks. Upload your branded PowerPoint theme to automate your deck creation.

Newspaper icon

Brand Safety

Ensure your ad screenshots are in brand safe environments. Customize at the organization level and the campaign level.

Image icon

OEM Co-op screenshots

Claim your OEM Co-Op dollars with ease by automating your screenshots every month on Facebook, Google display and more.

Bolt icon


Ad Reform is 5-10x faster than capturing screenshots manually. Generate hundreds of screenshots at once with our one-step CSV or email-based import. Learn more about why you should automate ad screenshots.

Map icon


Import ad tags, URLs, or files via CSV or DSP integration (beta). Run screenshots on any live URL and device. Download screenshot images directly or create a PowerPoint Deck with your master theme branding.

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We have a dedicated team to help with your screenshot needs. Add any special requirements (e.g. brand safety, specific ad frames), and we'll ensure they're met. The perfect combination of automation and customization.